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Nail Care 101 With Jessica

During the colder months it is easy to forget about your hands when they are hidden away inside gloves, harsh weather and indoor heating can contribute to dry, chapped skin and cuticles. Keep your hands and nails at their mid-summer best, by following these simple steps.

Cuticle care is a must all year round, but especially during the colder months. Jessica Cosmetics Phenomen Oil provides an intense hit of moisture. Massage into cuticles at night and sleep your way to beautiful skin. Phenomen Oil can also be used on any dry areas such as knees, elbows and lips, a real dry skin saviour.

Keep cuticles soft and supple with Nourish. Just a small amount will go a long way. Contains healing agents that melt into the skin, leaving it beautifully soft. Keep a small tube in your handbag or at your desk, and massage in throughout the day to stimulate circulation.

DIY Treatment

Soak a towel in warm water before wringing out. Apply a generous amount of cuticle oil and Hand and Body Moisturising Emulsion before wrapping your hands up to your wrist in cling film, then wrap around the warmed towel. Relax for 10 minutes. The heat from the towel will help to open pores so the products can be absorbed easily. Remove the towel and cling film, then massage in any remaining product.

Poor circulation in the cold weather leads to slower cell renewal and skin becomes drier and duller. Lightly massage Leremedi HandSilk Exfoliare into hands get rid of dead skin cells, before rinsing off. For extra softness apply Leremedi Hand Renew Liposomes over the top to seal in moisture.

Lack of moisture can cause nails to break so to prevent breakage and to offer extra strength and protection, keep nails covered daily with a base coat. Using a base coat will restore the essential balance of moisture and flexibility, and help nails grow long, strong and beautiful.

For the ultimate pampering treat, book yourself in for a divine Jessica Manicure. Click on the icon labelled Beauty Salon, to view our treatments and treatment prices.

Profile Photo of Emielia Echeverri author for John and Ginger
Emielia Echeverri
Friday, October 18, 2019