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Jessica Cosmetics In The UK

Jessica Cosmetics has formulated her own products and system for creating what have come to be regarded as the most beautiful nails in the world. In the Jessica range there is a specific product formulated to help correct most problems. When your nails are in good condition we can help keep them that way and your manicure will last for up to two weeks.

Jessica Cosmetics Nail Products are:

  • Formulated with vitamins A for maximum conditioning
  • Contain UVA/UVB protection from sun's damaging rays
  • Eco-friendly
  • Quick-drying

How to use a Jessica Nail Varnish

Paint with a generous amount of product on the brush and use as many long strokes as you need for perfect coverage. Finish each coat by brushing across the free edge (tip) of the nail to seal it. Follow with your chosen top coat.

Jessica Cosmetics Can Work Miracles For You At Home

While nothing is quite as pampering as having your nails done by a professional regularly, this handy guide will help you keep your nails beautiful and healthy.

1. With JESSICA Nail Polish Remover, remove all polish. Add Hand & Body Bath to warm water and soak one hand for a few minutes. Dry Hand thoroughly.

2. Apply a dab of JESSICA Nourish Therapeutic Cuticle Formula & Phenomen Oil to cuticle area and massage in. Push cuticles back gently with an orange-wood stick wrapped in cotton.

3. Trim and file nails with toenail nippers. Scissors encourage splits and fractures.

4. Gently file each nail in one direction (do not “saw”) toward the tip with the fine side of an emery board.

5. Soak the same hand again, then brush nails briskly and dry hand thoroughly.

6. Wrap the wet corner of a linen towel around your index finger and gently push back any excess cuticle. Using cuticle nipper, trim ragged cuticles only. Repeat steps 2 through 6 on the other hand.

7. Apply two coats of your appropriate Basecoat Treatment. The 1st coat under and over the nail, 2nd coat on top only. Seal the edges. Allow to dry.

8. Generously apply two coats of Custom Nail Colour under and over the nail and seal the edges.

9. After allowing nails to dry for a few minutes, apply one coat of Top Priority under and over nail. Let dry.

10. Apply one coat of Brilliance, for a shiny fast drying finish, and a drop of Quick Dry for the no fault finish.

Jessica Nail Care Products

Jessica formulated her own products and system for creating what have come to be regarded as the most beautiful nails in the world.

In the Jessica range there is a specific product formulated to help correct most problems. When your nails are in good condition we can help keep them that way and your manicure will last for up to two weeks.

Jessica Cosmetics Online

Described by the New York Times as "The first lady of nails" Jessica Vartoughian is truly a success story.

Raised in Romania by Armenian parents, Jessica came to America in 1962 possessing just a traditional European education in the care of nails, hands and feet. This turned out to be the basis for what became her life calling: to create a system of natural nail care unparalleled in its beauty and efficacy.

Considered the world's foremost authority on natural nail care, hers is a unique understanding of the importance of what it takes to achieve and maintain naturally beautiful nails. The Jessica System, as it has come to be called, is based on an approach so different; it works like nothing else can.

Jessica is emphatic on the subject of treating individual nail types differently. "Nails are not alike!" she will tell you. "Nails differ from person to person - just like hair and skin. It is impossible to treat all nails the same and keep them healthy".

It was keen analysis of different nail conditions that led her to innovate products specifically designed to treat the dry, brittle, normal or post acrylic nail. The foundation of The Jessica System is its ground-breaking precision, its ability to treat specific problems. Moreover, she considers health an essential part of nail and skin care; and so her products are specifically developed to maximise the natural healing powers of the body and promote well-being.

Jessica was at the forefront of both a product and a marketing revolution. The multi-million-dollar nail care industry that exists today has its roots firmly based in the first ever nails-only salon, which Jessica opened on Sunset Boulevard in 1969.

As Jessica's reputation grew, celebrities became clients. Referrals poured in, and The JESSICA System became synonymous with noteworthy customers around the globe. First Ladies, movie stars, models and VIPs are regularly seen having manicures and pedicures at the renowned Jessica Clinic.

Today, Jessica is Founder and C.E.O of Jessica Cosmetics International; the young girl from Romania has made her mark in changing an entire industry. Hers was the first voice promoting and teaching natural nail care; hers was the first nails-only salon. Jessica products are sold in upscale spas, salons and flagship stores in the United States, Europe and Asia.

Introducing Jessica Slick Tricks

Slick Tricks is the latest technology on the market and has been introduced by Jessica for us.

Jessica's Slick Trick formula offers a unique colour intensification that requires the use of the "base colour" and a topcoat. As the two coats fuse together during the drying process, the colour becomes a more vibrant, glossier shade revealing a unique depth of colour and exceptional wet-look gloss.

Your own colour creations can be made by adding brilliance to achieve different patterns.

Step 1 Apply 2 coats of appropriate basecoat.
Step 2 Apply 2 coats of your Slick Trick colour. - Allow to dry to the touch.
Step 3 Apply 1 coat of brilliance …….colour will transform and intensify when polish dries.

You will just love the different creations achieved by just adding a dab of brilliance on top of any of these colours in what ever shape or form you choose.

Profile Photo of Alex Echeverri author for John and Ginger
Alex Echeverri
Monday, July 29, 2024