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Monu Serums And Facial Oils

The Innovative Monu Skin Serums and Facial Oils by this British Skincare brand were created with a revolutionary blends of specific natural ingredients to ensure that the skin will function more effectively, leaving it feeling thoroughly rejuvenated and to give you an all over healthy glow.

Monu Brightening Boost 15ml

Brightening Boost 15ml

Promises to revitalise the complexion for a youthful and radiant complexion all day long!

Monu Instant Smoothing Serum 15ml

Renu Instant Smoothing Serum 15ml

A quick and easy way to achieve an instant line smoothing effect so skin looks smoother, firmer, and more youthful with this serum.

Monu Plus Hydra Lift Serum

Plus Hydra Lift Serum

A New super serum that will give you an instant face lift by reducing and smoothing the appearance of wrinkles.


Refining Capri Facial Oil 30ml

All you need to treat oily and spot prone skin, refining pores, brightens and controlling oil production, leaving your complexion looking and feeling firm and youthful.


Soothing Hawaii Facial Oil 30ml

Calm and soothe irritated and sensitive skin, created using hydrating Sandalwood and soothing Lavender essential oils to ensure skin feels comfortable and revitalised.

Monu Super Serum Day 15ml

Super Serum Day 15ml

Give a boost of vitality to your skin, smoothing fine lines and balancing skin tone so that skin looks radiant and youthful.
