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Opi Best Sellers

Shop below Opi Best Sellers a wide range of gorgeous colours, that cover every angle of the spectrum so they are Worth A Pretty Penne. This range used to be called OPI Classics.

Please Note: We can only ship nail polishes and flammables to the UK ONLY


Tiramisu For Two

A neutral coffee cream, with pinky undertones.

Please note - cannot be exchanged, returned or sold outside the UK.


Worth A Pretty Penne

A slightly rose tinted shimmering copper with a hint of silver.

Please note - cannot be exchanged, returned or sold outside the UK.


You Don't Know Jacques

You do not know how trendy this taupe is.

Please note - cannot be exchanged, returned or sold outside the Uk


You're Such A BudaPest

If I let you borrow this periwinkle purple will you go away.

Please note - cannot be exchanged, returned or sold outside the UK.
