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Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Buy Aromatherapy Essential Oils from an vast collection of 100% natural pure essential oils, all of which provide a feast for your senses. From adding essential oils into your beauty regime, creating wonderful aromas to envelop a room or making simple blends to help you manage the demands of modern life, these small changes can have a big impact on your wellbeing. Start your day with a lift by adding a few drops of May Chang into a diffuser. Give yourself a collagen boosting facial with Carrot Seed Oil or stimulate your memory by inhaling the herbaceous aroma of Rosemary. Reinvigorate, reboot and reawaken your senses and your skin and let our essential oils bring out the best in you drop by drop.


Ginger Organic Essential Oil 9ml


Cheering, stimulating and comforting oil, to cheer the heart and warm the body. Ideal in massage or the bath.

£15.50 £13.00

Grapefruit Organic Essential Oil 9ml


Sharp, refreshing and euphoric, to rejuvenate the spirit and revive the senses. Ideal for vaporisation.

£9.00 £7.50

Lemongrass Organic Essential Oil 9ml


Sharp, zesty and lively, to freshen a room and invigorate the senses. Ideal for vaporisation.

£7.50 £6.50

Lime Organic Essential Oil 9ml


Lively, stimulating and uplifting, to freshen a room and restore a tired mind. Ideal for vaporisation.

£10.50 £9.00

Palmarosa Ethically Harvested Essential Oil 9ml


Subtly soothing and supportive, helping to protect against emotional vulnerability and bringing a feeling of peace.

£9.00 £8.00

Petitgrain Orange Leaf Ethically Harvested Essential Oil 9ml


Bursting with positivity, Petitgrain will boost feelings of joy and bravery when facing a challenge and help promote hope and calm.

£9.00 £8.00