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Eve Taylor Anti-Stress Body Serum 50ml

Eve Taylor Anti-Stress Body Serum 50ml
Our Price:

Brand Eve Taylor
Product Type Serums And Boosters
Size 50ml
Skin Type All Skin Types

Eve Taylor Anti-Stress Body Serum 50ml is an aromatic body serum designed to soothe areas of skin tightness and sensitivity due to over-exertion or physical activity. With a warming and soothing effect, it is ideal for those needing deep relaxation.

Skin type/condition: All skin types and conditions, especially those experiencing discomfort or tension.


  • Ease Discomfort: Helps to alleviate discomfort in tense areas.
  • Warming Effect: The blend of essential oils provides a warming sensation to relieve tension.
  • Calming and Soothing: Promotes feelings of wellbeing and relaxation.

Key ingredients:

  • Peppermint: Soothes and cools the skin.
  • Thyme: Provides soothing properties.
  • Clove: Offers a warming effect to relieve tension.
  • Juniper Berry: Helps soothe and relax the skin.
  • Marjoram: Eases discomfort.
  • Black Pepper: Warms and relaxes the skin.
  • Rosemary: Soothes areas of tension.

How to use: Smooth sparingly onto areas of discomfort as needed.