Morgan Taylor Sweet Surrender 15ml
Morgan Taylor Sweet Surrender is a light sheer pink nail polish, perfect for achieving a soft, elegant French manicure. Its delicate finish adds a touch of sophistication, making it ideal for everyday wear or special occasions. Benefits:
With its light, sheer pink tone, this polish adds a natural elegance to your nails while ensuring a flawless, professional-quality manicure that lasts. Please Note: This product cannot be exchanged, returned, or shipped overseas. Bring professional-quality results to your manicure with Morgan Taylor Sweet Surrender. Perfect for enhancing your nails with a soft, natural look that shines with elegance. |
Allowing nails to breath and receive nutrients as they were meant to, with nail polish on. Please note: cannot be exchanged, returned or shipped overseas. |
A professional nail lacquer, in blue glitter. Please note: cannot be exchanged, returned or shipped overseas. |
A silver holographic. Please note: cannot be exchanged, returned or sold outside the UK. |
A professional nail lacquer, in light coral creme. Please note: cannot be exchanged, returned or shipped overseas. |